Who [my blog] is for

The purpose of this post is to call out directly to your audience. This is going to do 2 things:

  1. Attract the right people to you
  2. Repel the wrong people from you
    The second point is important! As you develop as a blogger, it is important to carve out your
    little spot in the internet and to have a stance on the world.
    If you make your blog about everything and for everyone, than it will be more difficult to create a
    loyal and raving fanbase.
    It’s OK to not appeal to everyone! So in this post, you are going to make it explicit to both your
    audience… and to yourself.
    Sometimes when I am trying to understand something and I can’t organize my thoughts, I
    simply create a blog post to work through it. There is something magical about how the (digital)
    page forces you to organize your thoughts and work sequentially to its conclusion. It may not be
    your best blog post, but it will create clarity which is a foundational piece for the rest of your
    The way I want you to think about this post is with a content pattern Who, Why, How. Basically
    we are going to answer
    • Who you want to serve
    • Why you want to serve them
    • And how you will serve them
    This is a nice logical progression to unpack an intricate concept. If you leave any of these points
    out, you can leave the nagging question in your reader’s head.
    Here’s how this post could begin
    [Website Title] Was Specifically Designed for YOU (and here’s why)
    I am tired of looking around and seeing [common problem in your industry]. So many people are
    struggling with it, and there just hasn’t been a solid resource created to help them [achieve your
    main result].
    So I decided to build it. Let me explain the what’s, why’s, and how’s right now.